We are delighted to shine a spotlight on Suffolk AME member Patricia Poggi, one of our remarkable Suffolk County Crossing Guards, who has not only dedicated herself to ensuring the safety of our children but has also founded a nonprofit organization called EJ’s PJs. This exceptional organization collects new pajamas for children and families in need, bringing comfort and hope to those who need it most. We are proud to announce that Patricia has recently expanded her operation, enabling her to help bring sweet dreams to even more children.

In a recent viral video, Louisville Bus Driver Larry Farrish Jr. noticed a significant change in the behavior of Levi, a first-grade student he transported daily to Engelhard Elementary School. Levi, usually a cheerful and happy boy, was visibly sad and tearfully expressed that he did not have pajamas for Pajama Day at school. Moved by this unexpected revelation, Farrish decided to take action. After completing his route, he bought two pairs of pajamas and delivered them to the school as a gift for Levi to keep- an act of kindness that captured the hearts of netizens nation-wide.

Enter Suffolk AME’s Patricia Poggi and EJ’s PJs, who in collaboration with Toys for Tots and Kerboom Kidz, organized a special event at Engelhard Elementary School. On Monday, all 300 students at the school received new pajamas, toys, and were treated to an energetic dance celebration. This joyous occasion not only brought smiles to the faces of the children but also reminded them how caring communities rally together to uplift and support one another.

We extend our sincere congratulations to Patricia Poggi for her compassionate and selfless work in founding and expanding EJ’s PJs. Her dedication to serving others and bringing comfort to children in need is nothing short of extraordinary. Suffolk AME is honored to support our members in their altruistic endeavors, recognizing that their contributions inspire positive change both on and off the clock. Click here to watch the video!

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